Lakshmi Shaligram
Lakshmi Shaligram - The Heavenly Stone of Ma Lakshmi!
"Salagrama silarupi yatra tisthati kesavah
Navadhante’suras tatra bhuta vetalak ayah
Salagram sila yatra tat tirtham tat tapovanam
Yatah sanniihit as tatra bhagavan madhusudanah"
The worship of Laxmi Shaligram bestows the devotee with good wealth;
Benefits of Laxmi Shaligram:
- By worshiping Lakshmi Shaligram a person can tremendously progress in the business or any jobs he/she do.
- It is extremely good for the people doing business, service and transacting huge amount of money as it protect like a shield from any loss.
- The worshiper gets all the worldly comforts and leads a successful life.
- The worshiper becomes very confident and can take on any challenge and emerges out to be an ultimate winner.
Note: We are giving you original Shaligram at the best price possible! If you are not happy with the Shaligram you get, you could send it back to us within 45 days of purchase. No questions will be asked. Your shipping cost will also be reimbursed.
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