Cat's eye (Lehsunia)
Cat's eye is a mixture mainly of aluminum and beryllium. It has a chatoyant glowing from inside like the eye of a cat, hence known as cat's eye. It has a silky streak of light that moves with the turning of the stone.
Top benefits -
- Removes all ill effects of ketu
- Protects from dangers and enemies
- Eliminates obstructions on path of businessmen
- Brings financial freedom
Special note-
- Recommended to wear in panchdhatu on little finger
Characteristics -
- Planet: Ketu
- Cosmic color: Beyond visible color spectrum (infra red)
- Sign: Pisces
- Element: Water
- Time: After sunset
- Day: Thursday
- Gemstone family: Aluminate of beryllium
Top disease preventions-
- Physical weakness
Top stone qualities-
- Brilliant chatoyance;
- smoothness
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